

An organization gets assigned an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) account.
An account is tied to a region of the world.
From this point, an organization is called an “Azure tenant”.
All users are setup in the Microsoft 365 admin center on the Azure AD, each user has their own license and password.

Each Azure AD tenant that buys a Business Central online license automatically gets some environments. Each environment is tied to a specific country and localization.
Typical subscription gives an organization one production environment and three sandbox environments.


Each environment can have one or multiple companies (if each company defines a legal entity or a business unit that has separate accounting requirements).
A simple “single company” setup may look like this:

Diagram<br><br>Description automatically generated

A simple “multi-company” setup may look like this:
Diagram<br><br>Description automatically generated


Setting up a new Environment

We perform the initial setup in PRODUCTION environment.
Once the setup is completed and ready to be tested, we create a copy of the production environment and designate it to be a SANDBOX environment.
As the environment gets copied, all companies inside of it get copied as well.

From this point on, we perform all testing in the SANDBOX.
If we determine that some configuration changes are required, we do these in the SANDBOX and then repeat them in PRODUCTION.