Table of Contents:
- What are PrintVis folders
- Folder storage types
- To see the folders in PrintVis
- Folder setup example: step by step
- Assigning the folder path to PrintVis Documents
What are PrintVis folders
To save various supporting documents and files with Quotes and Orders, we set up various folders in PrintVis.
These folders are linked to individual Cases and they get created automatically by PrintVis – when Case reach specific Status Codes.
In simple workflows, a single “General” folder may be sufficient for all documents.
However, we can have multiple folders, with each folder dedicated to specific kinds of documents.
For example, once a Case is placed into a QUOTE status, PrintVis can create a QUOTE folder and link it to that Case.
Sales rep can then place customer-supplied visuals, drawings, any other files that will provide more detail to an estimator.
When estimator creates a quote letter document, it can be automatically saved in the QUOTE folder.
From there, the sales rep can review it, save it as PDF and email it to the Customer.
Similarly, PrintVis can created an ORDER folder as soon as our Case reached the ORDER status.
All job-related files and documents (layouts, kitting and packaging instructions, shipping lists, etc.) can then be placed into an ORDER folder.
We may decide to have a dedicated ARTWORK folder where sales reps and coordinators can place artwork files – to be retrieved by pre-press operators.
When folders are created, they get assigned a certain Type.
A “General” type means that PrintVis will create folders every time and on every Case, as long as certain Status Code has been reached.
Other folder types allow for more flexibility. PrintVis can be set to create certain folders only when certain conditions are met, such as: a Case has been created for certain Customers, assigned certain Order Types or Product Groups.
For example, if we have a specific customer that requires some specific documentation to be placed into a separate folder when a Case becomes an Order, we can easily meet this requirement.
Once a Case is archived, we can either keep the files in folders or delete them.
We can also choose to delete only the empty folders, while keeping the folders that had files in them.
When we copy Cases, we can choose whether the folder contents get copied forward or not.
Folder “storage types”
There are 2 kinds of “storage types" that can be assigned to folders:
“Remote Local Network” folders will be created on a local server (for example, this could be a part of pre-press integration, where we “map” a prepress server folder so that Planners and prepress operators can exchange certain files).
“OneDrive/Sharepoint” folders are cloud-based.
To see the folders in PrintVis
Open any Case from the Case Management page and click on “Folders” button located on the top toolbar ribbon:
This page will open, showing you the folders created by PrintVis:
Click the “Open” button:
This will to open a folder:
To manage files inside the folders, click “File” button:
Folder setup: step by step
Because every company may have different requirements as to how many folders are needed and what type should be assigned to them, there is no single rule.
The steps below describe the way the folders are setup in Wye Print demo company – as “OneDrive/Sharepoint” folders.
STEP 1: Decide what folders are needed.
We want to create 3 folders:
1) Folder for Quote-related documents
2) Folder for Order-related documents
3) Folder for artwork files
STEP 2: Decide when folders will be created.
1) Folder for Quote-related documents will be created when the Case Status Code = REQUEST
2) Folder for Order-related documents will be created when the Case Status Code = ORDER
3) Folder for artwork files will be created when the Case Status Code = ORDER
STEP 3: Set the Stats Codes to “create folders”
Open each of the 3 above mentioned Status Code setup cards and on the “Integration” fast tab enable the “Create Folders” checkbox.
STEP 4: Establish a connection to OneDrive
Open "PrintVis Cloud Storage" setup page:
In your browser window, make sure pop-ups are allowed:
Click the "OneDrive Sign-in" link
Enter your Office 365 credentials:
At this point, a connection should be established.
Set the Document Site, Drive location and Base Folder location - these will be different for each company, contact your IT department.
STEP 5: Setup Folder Groups
Open "PrintVis Folder Groups" page and using the "New" button, create the 3 folder groups we have planned.
A - Select Storage Type "OneDrive/Sharepoint"
B - Type-in the folder group names (keep them short)
C - Enter folder group descriptions (keep them short)
D - establish a root path for each folder group
Note: to establish a root path, click this "edit assist" button:
then navigate to the exact location
NOTE: cloud-based root path location SHOULD NOT have any slashes (forward or backward) at the end.
This is correct: /./PV16_Case_Documents/PrintWise
This is not correct: /./PV16_Case_Documents/PrintWise/
STEP 6: Set "Usage" and assign Type for each Folder Group
Select the Folder Group and click "Usage" button:
This page opens:
Make sure to first click on the "Pencil" button - this will allow you to edit the fields on this page
A - Select the "Assign Type" value (this article talked about these earlier)
B - Choose the System Status* at which the folder will be created.
* There are 4 System Statuses in PrintVis. These work as major "key progress levels" of a project.
We may have 20-30 different status codes, but they all belong to these 4 System Statuses.
For example, if we need this folder when we submit the RFQ and do the quote, we enable the first two System Statuses.
We do not expect to use this folder when Quote turns into an Order, so we keep the "Order" statuses unchecked.
Our other 2 folder groups will have the following settings on this page:
STEP 7: Set Folder path naming convention for each Folder Group
Select the Folder Group and click "Folders" button:
On this page, set the folder path and how the folder(s) will be named by the system.
Each "percentage and digit" represents where PrintVis will take the folder name from:
%1=Customer No.,
%2=Customer Letter,
%3=Customer Name, %4=Order Type,
%5=Product Group,
%6=Case ID,
%7=Order No,
%13=Customer No. first character only,
%14=Product Group Description,
%15=Quote No.,
%16=Finished Good Item No. ,
%17=Finished Good Item No. Low Range,
%18=Finished Good Item No. Top Range
So, this folder path %2/%3/%8/%6/ORDER will create the following folder category:
- First letter of the Customer Company Name (T)
-- Customer company name (The Pancake House)
--- Year a document was generated (2021)
---- PrintVis Case ID (558)
----- Folder name "ORDER"
Here is how it looks in the Case Card "Folders":
On the Sharepoint, folders will be structured as follows:
- Our Company name
-- First letter of the Customer Company Name (T)
--- Customer company name (The Pancake House)
---- Year a document was generated (2021)
----- PrintVis Case ID (558)
------ Folder name "ORDER"
At this point, out folder structure is ready.
All we need now is to assign the right folder saving path to all our documents.
Assigning the folder path to PrintVis Documents
Example: we have a Quote Letter document that we wish to be placed into a QUOTE folder on the Case Card.
Open "PrintVis Document Setup" page
And then open the QUOTE document for editing.
On the "Integration" fast tab,
A - select the right Folder Group (QUOTE)
B - select the right folder ID (we only had one in there, the one that was named "%2/%3/%8/%6/ORDER", so select that one, it will have a code "10000" assigned to it)
After you've done these selections, the "Storage Type" and the "Document Path" on the "Document Folder" fast tab will be automatically filled-in:
All you need to add is how your Quote letter document shall be named.
In out example, we 've entered the following:
"%1" will take the Quote number form the Case.
Given the fact that our Case had a Quote #Q000557, the resulting quote letter document will be automatically named as follows:
"65" is the "entry number", assigned automatically by the system to every single document generated anywhere in PrintVis.