

Talks to customer and gathers the details:

Quantity options:     500 / 1,000 / 2,000
# of artwork versions:     1
Finished Size:        8.5” X 11”, full bleed assumed on all 4 sides
Inks:    4 color process on 1 side, medium coverage
No gradations, simple pleasing color is desired.
OK to be done digitally
Stock:    100# Gloss Text “house” stock
Packaging:    Loose, in standard cartons
Shipping:    FOB our plant, customer will pick-up



Starts new PrintVis Case, selects the Order Type, Product Group and enters the Job name, enters the specs into PrintVis “Case-level” User Fields and changes the status to QUOTE.


***More status codes can be created if a company wishes to use them as communications flags between estimators and sales reps.
For example, one can have QUOTE SUBMIITED, QUOTE IN PROGRESS and QUOTE DONE statuses instead of just one QUOTE status.
Sales Rep will enter the data and change into QUOTE SUBMITTED. An estimator will become “responsible” at this point. 
Estimator changes the status to QUOTE IN PROGRESS and starts working on it. 
Once done, estimator will generate a quote letter and change status to QUOTE DONE.
This will make sales rep responsible. 
Sales rep will open the quote, check the quote letter and then send it to customer, then change the status to QUOTE SENT.


Start a new PrintVis Case



A blank new Case Card opens.

Starting from the top, select a Customer Company: start typing a company name in the “Sell-To Contact No.” field. If a record exists, PrintVis will find it:

Select the Company and PrintVis will populate all the “Sell-To” fields, including the “Sell-To Contact” person if he/she has been setup as a “default contact” for that Customer company.


Select Order Type, then select Product Group. Always in this sequence.
These 2 selections will initiate the automation on the background.


Enter a descriptive Job Name. Whatever is entered here will appear on all production documents and on the Invoice. 



To enter the RFQ details, click on this User Field button (located on the top toolbar):
 Then type-in the specs into fields provided:


Change the Cases status to QUOTE:




Makes sure there is enough information to do the quote. Comes up with the best possible production plan and creates an estimate. Generates a quote letter. 
If there is a Status Code that identifies the Case as “Quote Complete”, switches into it.
If not, lets the sales rep know that the Quote is done by some other means (email, send an internal note in PritnVis)


To do an estimate using a pre-set automation template, click on any open text field in the “Jobs” fast tab (I would click on “Job Name”).
Hit the “tab” button. The moment your cursor leaves the field you clicked, this will activate the automation and certain information will become visible.


“Job Name” field copies whatever was entered on the “Job Name” above, on the “General” fast tab.

“External Description” will display the basic production data about this version. What shows up here is programmed on the “Product Group” level during the system setup. 

In this case, once we enter the flyer size and the quantity, system will automatically fill-in the blanks and we will see something like this, for example: 500 Flyers, 8.5 X 11 size, printed 4 / 0
Our estimate is not quite done yet, some calculations are missing. So, right now we see this: 0 Flyers, size , printed 4 / 0


Note that as soon as you overwrite the “job name” or an “external description”, the “Manual Job Description” and “Manual Description” checkboxes will become “active”. These are here as a warning to you.

If you do not touch these fields, PrintVis will maintain the text automatically. The moment you touch them, PrintVis gives you a warning and now it is up to you to maintain the job name and the external description.
You will see them later on the Quote Letter. If you “untick” the boxes, PrintVis will put the default “descriptions” back in.

Hit the “tab” button until you reach the “Format Code” field. Type-in the finished size of the flyer.
As you type, PrintVis may recognize and fill-in the size automatically (depending on your system setup).

The reason PrintVis recognizes the size is because it has been pre-set as a specific "format code". Please see another article about format codes. 

You can always type-in any size you wish, and PrintVis will do the calculations based on this size (if it fits within the press / press sheet parameters of course).

Hit the “tab” again and enter the Ordered Quantity:

Note that the “pages”, and the “colors” are already there. That comes from a pre-set template, BUT IT CAN BE ADJUSTED MANUALLY AT ANY TIME if necessary.

You do not need to enter anything else. Automated template took care of the rest.
So, when you look at the “Quoted Price” you see the real price that will end up on the quote letter:

To add more data to a quote letter, Estimator uses the “Job-specific” user fields 
Click “User Fields” then “User Fields 1”

On the new page that opens Estimator may enter something like this (every setup will have different User Fields, this is just one of the examples):



To add another quantity option, Estimator will make a “Version” of the Quote line and change the quantity on it.
1-    Select the Quote line
2-    Click “Job Processing”
3-    Click “New Ver.”


Once a new Quote line appears, change the Quantity from 500 to 1,000.
Repeat the same steps for the 3rd quantity option of 2,000 pieces.

When you create a Version, PrintVis makes an exact copy of the original Quote, including everything that has been typed into User Fields.
Then PrintVis uses the existing workflow to recalculate for different quantities.

However, each quote version can can have a completely different workflow (different sheet size, different press, finishing operations, etc.).
For example, we can use a 20" press for lower quantities and then switch to a 40" press for higher quantities.

Note that only 1 “Version” can be “active”. Also, all additional “Versions” will be automatically marked as “Alternative”.

An advise on using “versions” and “jobs”:

Each Quote or Order line in a Case has a specific jobs" and "version" number assigned.

One of the ways to keep it all organized is this:

“Versions” always have exactly the same specs, but different quantities
“Jobs” have slightly different specs (size, stock, inks, whatever).

So, if you have a project where you have to quote
 3 quantity options (1,000 / 2,000 / 3,000)
- and 2 different inking options (4/0 and 4/4),

you will have:

Job 1 Version 1: 1,000, 4/0
Job 1 Version 2: 2,000, 4/0
Job 1 Version 3: 3,000, 4/0
Job 2 Version 1: 1,000, 4/4
Job 2 Version 2: 2,000, 4/4
Job 2 Version 3: 3,000, 4/4

Seems like a lot, but don't forget: you are copying the original ("base") quote and only adjusting the quantities:

Create a "base" quote line for 1,000 pieces printed 4/0, then create 2 "versions" from this line - for q-ties of 2,000 and 3,000 pieces.

Then go back and select Job 1 Version 1, create a new "Job" line from it, adjust this line for 4/4, then create 2 versions again - for q-ties of 2,000 and 3,000 pieces, this time these versions are 4/4.


For a quote letter to be generated, Case cannot be left in REQUEST status. It needs to be placed into a status that assigns a Quote number to a Case:


To generate a quote letter, go into “Documents” 

1 – select a “Quote” document template
2 – hit “Create/Open Document:


PrintVis uses the document template created during the system setup and adds some data form the Case to generate a finished quote letter.
It then saves that quote into a specific Case folder.



Case folders can contain all kinds of documents, some are placed there automatically by PrintVis, some are uploaded there by users. 



Reviews the quote letter, saves as PDF and emails it to customer.

Open the quote letter 
- either from the “Documents” page, preferably using a “Local application”:
- or by going into “Folders”:





If a quote is not accepted, Sales Rep would select a "Rejection Reason" and then place the quote into a "Rejected" status.
If a quote requires a revision, sales rep will adjust the specs he/she originally entered into "Case-level" User Fields and then change the Case status back to QUOTE.
Estimator would produce revised quote version(s) and create a new quote letter. Sales Rep will re-submit a new quote letter to the client.



Creates an Order when customer decides to go ahead.
Open the Case Card and change the status to ORDER

If there is only one Quote version, PrintVis will automatically create a new Order line – by copying the data from the Quote. Otherwise, sales rep picks the correct Quote version and creates an Order out of it:
1- activate the correct Quote line
2- click “Job Processing”
3- click “Order”


We now have an Order line:

From now on, all job-related data gets linked to an Order line, NOT to any of the quote lines.

Quotes are kept for reference and revisions, more on that in other documents.
An “ACTIVE ORDER LINE” has to be selected at all times every time someone is working on an Order and entering any data into Job-related User Fields.
It is also strongly recommended to have only one active Order per Case.

There are a few different ways a Production Coordinator can get notified that an Order has been submitted and is ready to be worked on.
It involves adding more status codes or includes automated emails or internal PrintVis notifications.
Also, in some companies, an Order Confirmation document will be created, where sales rep confirms and verifies every single job aspect with the customer and gets the document signed.
Usually it is a variation of a quote letter, but only with ONE VERSION + with added details - such as deliver date and some production milestones (proof approvals, etc.). 


SALES REP notifies Coordinator when the files are ready and how to get them.

COORDINATOR takes over.

Verifies all job specs, verifies the production plan used in the estimate.
Verifies all material requirements and production waste (scrap) for every process.
Creates imposition layouts. 
If the change in the project scope requires a new estimate, communicates with estimating department.
Starts a physical "Job Docket" that will hold samples and layout drawings, confirms ink specs and requests ink drawdowns if needed, gathers the info about how the files are going to be supplied by the customer and communicates with pre-press about files and layouts. 
Manages production milestone dates (proofs, samples, press check, outsource operations). 
Follows the job through the plant, updating production specs as required. 
Continuously communicates with production, sales rep and client about any aspect of the job.
Sends out proofs. Creates / updates / finalizes packaging & shipping details - including the shipment lists, address lists, etc. Gets all paperwork ready for billing, gathers job cost reports, makes sure the correct estimate is used when comparing "estimated to actual" costs, makes sure that all additional costs are included before job goes to Invoicing.
There may be a lot of different kinds of documents created, all depends on the size and the kind of production…


In our simple workflow, coordinator will use the Order line created by the sales rep and look into a Quote letter for all related specs of the job 😊

Let’s assume that the Sales rep picked the right quote version and customer did not add any extra requirements at the last moment, and the price on the quote letter did not magically change from the original estimate.

Coordinator “locks” the quoted price – usually by entering a “rounded up” figure that got quoted to customer. From now on, price method becomes “Fixed Quote Price”. 

Any production-related changes (changing to another press because original one is not available, buying different paper brand, changing the finishing workflow for production reasons, etc.) will not affect the Quoted Price.

There may be “Customer Alterations”, where customer decides to add something extra to a job. 
In that case, a special document may be created where all such changes will be tallied-up and presented to customer as “extra costs”.


Coordinator sets the Dates on the active Order line:


“Earliest Start Date” is typically the date when we expect to receive the files from the customer (the “files in” date).
So, that means if we have an Order, but still do not have the files, we should not proceed past this point and leave the date fields blank.

“Requested Delivery Date” is usually the date when the product is ready to leave the plant (NOT when it arrives to customer).

Coordinator enters all production-related data into active Order User Fields:


New page opens:

Notice that this page has the Quote Letter user fields copied from the Quote line.
This is intentional: we are keeping ALL details in one place, for easy reference.

Coordinators will be entering the data into the “red square” area – NOT into "Quote Letter" area.
All production data entered here will appear on the Job Ticket.
(Please note: your User Fields may look completely different, depending on your system setup)


COORDINATOR checks all job specs.

Opens the "Job Card" page and verifies the stock and the press

Opens the "Specifications" page and verifies the # of sheets to buy, the layout and the “scrap”:


This is where the scrap and the layout get adjusted if necessary.
Let’s assume that everything is perfect and no adjustments are needed!


Coordinator checks out the Job Ticket:

To preview the ticket without printing or downloading, go here:

Here is how a standard job ticket looks:


 It is not supposed to be printed out, only to be looked at onscreen.

Some companies customize this "Job ticket report" to include a lot more info and present it in a different way.

Coordinator enters the Shipping info.
Select the active Order line, then click on “Shipments”:


Shipment List will open. It will have 1 “default” shipment. Coordinator can add more detail into it + add more shipments (proof shipment, shipment to and from vendors, final shipments to multiple delivery locations, etc.)


PRODUCTION COORDINATOR switches into PLAN status. 

All calculated tasks from the Estimating page will now appear on the Planning page:


SCHEDULER assigns the start and the stop times to Milestones, then uses the combination of PrintVis’s “autoplan” features and manual scheduling tools to assign the start and the stop time to each of the operations:



Scheduler then changes the Case status to a first "Production" status (usually PREPRESS)

Form this point on, statuses will be changed 
-    either automatically, based on task “Completion” on the shop floor.
-    or manually, form the Planning page on the Case Card

Let’s assume the first an automatic status change has been setup in your company.




All shop floor workers are assigned a “ShopFloor Worker” Profile / Role:




Example – pre-press operator

Logs-in at the beginning of the shift:

- Click "Login/Logout"


- Click "New Login"

Enters his/hers PrintVis user ID.

When status = LOGIN, hits “OK”:

A password can be setup for an extra security, we are skipping it here.


1- user's name appears on the list,

2 - he / she gets back to home screen:

On the home screen, user selects a machine / a workstation / a cost center under “Activities – Select Cost Center”:


The moment a Cost Center is selected, PrintVis shows us that we have 2 Orders planned for today:


Click on “Today” tile

Tasks appear on the new screen. Select one of them (they are lined up in scheduled sequence, but any of them can be started)

(Your shop floor tiles may look different and may have different info, all based on your system setup).


New page opens. That's where all production time gest reported:


Shop floor operators can report material use as well.

What gets reported depends on the kind of the Cost Center and on the kinds of materials allocated to that Cost Center.
For example, prepress operator would report the proofing materials:

Hit “Consume Lot”


Then pick the material to report, “approve” it, post the journal and close the window

Once all tasks from PREPRESS status are completed, Case automatically switched to PRESS, then to finishing. 

​​​Press and bindery operators log into PrintVis exactly the same way and report time and materials exactly the same way.​​



On the special page called “Shipment Overview” shippers see all shipments from all active Orders.


Shippers can open each shipment directly from this page and “post” the shipment - thus marking it as “shipped”:

Once all shipments have been shipped, Case status automatically changes to JOB COSTING

PRODUCTION COORDINATOR checks the shop floor reports for all posted hours and materials and compares these to estimated.
This is done either via the “Job Costing” page:

Or by printing out a Job Costing report:

Coordinator changes the status to INVOICE

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE creates an invoice and sends it to Customer

Open “Invoicing Guide” on the Case Card


Hit “New Invoice” button

Hit “Process” – “Build”:

Multiple invoice lines are generated – based on the finance automation setup:

From here an invoice can be sent to a Sale Rep for approval, “Posted” once approved and then e-mail to the Customer.
An invoice email might look something like this:


An attached invoice PDF might look something like this:

NOTE: Financial setup is beyond the scope of this simple document.
A lot more can be done at this stage. Also, companies usually customize their invoices to show a lot more fields. 

Once an Invoice is sent, PrintVis automatically archives the Case:


From this point on, Case is not editable and nothing can be added to it.