

1.    First, decide on the new Cost Center code number and the name.


2.    Use "Rapid Start Setup Checklist" to create new Cost Center. Please see another document about how to use the Rapid Start.


3.    Open and setup the new Cost Center: all of the usual options + shop floor tiles + UOMs + waste codes (check the settings in similar cost centers).


4.    Open and setup the capacity unit - again, check the settings in the similar units. Make sure to select appropriate Capacity Group code.


5.    Setup Cost Center Configuration(s), check line numbering, check formulas, etc. Make sure there is something in "Calculation" tab (check settings in similar cost centers).


6.    Enter Cost Center Configuration rate(s)


7.    Setup the Calculation Unit. Make sure the sorting number is set right (check other similar units), check the linkage to Cost Center configuration. Make sure "Print Control" tab has something checked-off. Make sure "Show Line on Job Ticket" is taken care of. Make sure to link this Calculation Unit to an appropriate Planning Unit. 


8.    Go into "Planning Units", open the related Planning Unit and verify that your new Cost Center is actually there.


9.    Refresh opening/closing hours assignment: go into "Opening Hours Setup", go to "Actions" and hit "Apply All" button (this way we are making sure that our new CC will be available for automatic scheduling).


10.    Go into "Product Groups" and check the filters: make sure this new new addition is included (or excluded - depending on how this is setup) in appropriate "LookUp Filter(s).
xample: when we add a new Wide Format cost center, we will need to INCLUDE it in all Wide Format product groups and then EXCLUDE it from all non-Wide Format product groups.


12.    Check Case-level and Job-level Userfield table setup - anything needs to be adjusted there? Sometimes there may be a reference to a specific machine in some User Fields.


13.    Check the PrintVis shop floor user Capacity Unit filters - is there anything that needs to be adjusted? Some shop floor users may have filters set to show only the specific Cost Centers.


14.    Test. Do a test estimate, make a job out of it and take this job through the shop floor.